Tuesday, February 12, 2008


The picture isn't so great, but it got dark before I realized that the one I took from across the street got wwater splashed on it when I fell in the snow and melted puddle. NOTE THE FRONT DOOR!

This is the back deck. NOTE THE RAILING

I had a doctor appointment today and found that I have diverticulosis. There are 15-20 polyps (they already took five out). He said they aren't cancerous yet but could be so I should have them taken out next year. No worry.

I am excited about the house. It is almost finished.


Rachel Holloway said...

looking good! I am glad you are happy and that it is coming to an end...

Melinda said...

Love the door, and the railing! Aaron just commented on more surgery for you: he doesn't know if there's much more they can take out of you! It does seem like you just have one thing after another and more and more to do with your poor body. I'm sorry that this is just one more thing, but I hope things get better!

Sarah said...

The house looks great. I'm glad they finally got it done...or at least looking done.

Anonymous said...

Wow! It's looking great! Your front door looks so pretty. Mine is a dark navy blue so every time I drive up to the house I do a double-take, mistaking the color of the door for the door being open... I'm also glad that the polyps aren't causing immediate concern.