This weekend was supposed to be our family reunion and it just couldn't work out. I am so hoping everyone can make it to the reunion in August. It would mean so much to me and I would love to get a new family picture with all the right people in it. :-)
We had an Easter activity for the grandchildren that live here. I wish more of them could come but they are so far away. We made resurrection rolls, which the kids loved. They were so good answering the questions about Easter and listening to my explanations about the rolls. then we hid 130 plastic eggs for them to find. There were so many eggs that we decided to invite a family down the street to come for the Easter Egg hunt with us. It was fun to watch the kids hunt for eggs. It made me miss the ones that were not here.
Friday night Abby celebrated her birthday with her friends. Her birthday isn't until the 28th but we aren't going to be here that night. Caleb is graduating from Central Wyoming College and we will be in Wyoming. Anyway, we had Michelle Wilford make a great debate themed cake- you can check it out on facebook- and Abby loved the cake. Her friends all thought it was awesome. I made Rachel's recipe for Chicken and Bows. We threw in some French bread and had a great dinner. The kids ate, talked and watched a movie. They may have also played a game. I don't know because I was upstairs and they were all downstairs. the party was a great success.
All these things have made me really stop and think about things. I cried because I miss the grandchildren who aren't here, I cried because Abby is graduating and going to college, I cried because I have wonderful children who are so grown up and doing awesome things with their lives and their families. They are all doing the right things for their families and I can see them teaching their children the gospel and making sure they are following the spirit in their lives.
As a mother there is nothing more I could want. I am so thankful for the example they all set in various ways and I am so proud of them.
I am thankful that even as they all leave and go their separate ways, I have a wonderful husband to share the rest of my life with. I am thankful for his diligence in living the gospel and his dedication as a husband and father. He is a great example to me and is so supportive of the things I am doing in my life however small they are.
I am thankful for the gospel and the blessings I receive as I strive to be more like my Heavenly Father. My life is so full and so good, I couldn't ask for more. I don't know if my children will read this or not because it is so long and has no pictures, but I want them all to know how special they are and how much joy they continue to bring into my life. I love you all.
mom--we love you very much and are so grateful for all you do for EVERYONE--we all owe you in so many ways. I thought this weekend about the reunion as well, and while I wish it could have happened, I know for us the timing was all wrong. Hoping August will work out well! We're aiming for it--at least for me and the kids. LOVE YOU SO MUCH! And so proud you and dad have raised such a great family. YOu should be proud-- :)
Almost never check blogs anymore, but couldn't sleep.....really enjoyed your post. It has to be strange with your youngest graduating. Life is always full of so many changes, I guess so we can keep growing. Love you!
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